WHEN: Friday, February 7, 2025, 9 – 11am
TALLER EN ESPAÑOL: Viernes, 7 de Febrero de 2025 2-3pm
Is your firm interested in doing business with the City of Seattle? Do you want to learn more about how City purchasing and contracting works? Join us at for our “First Fridays” online Doing Business with the City of Seattle event to meet Purchasing and Contracting staff who are part of our purchasing, consultant contracting and construction/public works teams. We will hold three sessions at once so choose the one you’re interested in!
¿Está interesada en hacer negocios con la ciudad de Seattle? ¿Le gustaría aprender más sobre compras y contrataciones con la ciudad de Seattle? Entonces acompañenos para recibir información sobre como hacer negocios con la Ciudad de Seattle.
COST: Free to attend – no registration required – just drop in!
COSTO: Registracion es Gratis y no se require reservacion. Solo entre en linea.
- Find out if the City of Seattle buys the type of product/service you offer
- Learn about City bid processes for your product/service
- See if there is a contract in place for those items, and if so, when will it be re-bid
- Find out who you should market to
- Get information about the Consultant Roster program and application process
- Learn about the City’s Public Works contracting process
- See how to access online plans and specifications for public works construction projects
- Learn about opportunities through City Job Order Contracting
- Hear about the City’s women- and minority-owned business (WMBE) resources
- Averigue si la Ciudad de Seattle compra el tipo de producto/servicio que usted ofrece
- Aprenda sobre los procesos de licitación de la Ciudad de Seattle para su producto/servicio
- Aprenda sobre el proceso de contratación de obras públicas de la Ciudad de Seattle
- Aprenda sobre oportunidades que ofrece la Ciuadd de Seattle a través de contratación
- Aprenda sobre el programa para Empresas Pertenecientes a Mujeres o Minorias (WMBE)
- Como registrarse en el directorio de negocios de la Ciudad de Seattle (OBD)
If you’re interested how the City PURCHASES GOODS AND SERVICES:
When it’s time, join your Microsoft Teams meeting here
Meeting ID: 281 264 429 799
Meeting password: AKxDaB
Join by phone
+1 206-686-8357 United States Toll (Seattle)
Phone Conference ID: 132 759 340#
If you’re interested in how the City does CONSULTANT CONTRACTING:
When it’s time, join your Microsoft Teams meeting here.
Meeting ID: 276 460 668 000
Meeting password: MF2fPy
Join by phone
+1-206-686-8357 United States Toll (Seattle)
Phone Conference ID: 989 542 788#
If you’re interested in how the City does CONSTRUCTION/PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTING:
When it’s time, join your Microsoft Teams meeting here.
Meeting ID: 210 705 095 810
Meeting passcode: 5y5RdR
Join by phone
Phone Conference ID: 389 802 922#
Codigo de acceso para el taller: 252 054 163 97
Taller clave: nQpghr
Para entrar al taller con telefono
+1-206-686-8357 United States Toll (Seattle)
Teléfono conferencia identificacion: 812 502 325#