Click here to access Request for Proposal IS-15255000.pdf
RFP Due Date: 10/02/2014 at 12:00 PM (Pacific)
Appendix M-A – Bid Price Sheet
Appendix M-B – National Core List
Appendix M-C – Local Core List
All contact with the County regarding this RFP or any matter relating thereto must be in writing and mailed, e-mailed or faxed as follows:Rothana (Rot) Tan, Purchasing & Contracts Analyst
1100 N. Eastern Avenue, Room G-115
Los Angeles, California 90063
Fax # (323) 881-4583
Email address:
Daniel Medrano, C.P.M. Section Manager
1100 N. Eastern Avenue, Room G-115
Los Angeles, California 90063
Fax # (323) 267-2314
Email address:
If it is discovered that a Proposer contacted and received information regarding this solicitation from any County personnel other than the person specified above, County, in its sole discretion, may disqualify its proposal from further consideration.