Click here to access Request for Proposal #CTR-PNS-0215.doc
RFP Due Date & Time: 3/13/2015 at 4:00PM
Communications with the City: All Proposer communications concerning this acquisition shall be directed to the RFP Coordinator. The RFP Coordinator is:
Donald Loseff
Pre-Proposal Conference: The City shall conduct an optional pre-proposal conference on the time and date in page 1, at the KeyArena at Seattle Center. If you are planning to attend the pre-proposal conference, please contact the RFP Coordinator, Donald Loseff, at for directions. Proposers are highly encouraged to attend but not required to attend to be eligible to submit a proposal. The meeting answers questions potential Proposers may have regarding the solicitation document and to discuss and clarify any issues. This is an opportunity for Proposers to raise concerns regarding specifications, terms, conditions, and any requirements of this solicitation. Failure to raise concerns over any issues at this opportunity will be a consideration in any protest filed regarding such items known as of this pre-proposal conference.