Click here to access Invitation to Bid #CL0-2185ReBid
ITB Due Date & Time: 07/13/2020 at 1:00 PM PST.
Addendum Q&A: N/A
Pre-Bid Conference (Optional): 06/25/2020 beginning at 9:00 AM PST.
The City shall conduct an optional Pre-Bid conference (see date and time page 1) as a Skype event only, vendors may call in if they are unable to utilize Skype. Vendors need not attend to be eligible to submit a Bid. The meeting answers questions potential Vendors may have regarding the solicitation document and to discuss and clarify issues. This is an opportunity for Vendors to raise concerns regarding specifications, terms, conditions, and any requirements of this solicitation. Failure to raise concerns over any issues at this opportunity will be a consideration in any protest filed regarding such items known as of this pre-bid conference. Avenue, Suite 4112, Seattle.
Pre-Bid Conference Attendees List: N/A
Trouble Joining? Try Skype Web App
Join by phone
206-386-1200, 9718451# (US) English (United States) 844-386-1200, 9718451# (US) English (United States)
Conference ID: 5466844 —————————————————————————————————————
City Buyer: Lisa Tran, 206-684-4515,
Evaluation and Award Decisions
Status Update: Awarded
Status & Award List: N/A
Executed Contract: Awarded to YSI Inc.,PO CL0-0000011862.