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ITB Due Date & Time: Nov. 2, 2023, at 11:00 AM PT
Pre-Bid Conference (Optional) Via Microsoft Teams Only: Oct. 13, 2023, at 9:00 AM PT
Microsoft Teams Meeting
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Meeting ID: 291 115 033 067
Passcode: 72vKpK
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Video Conference ID: 112 994 943 2
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+1 206-686-8357,,18684865# United States, Seattle
Phone Conference ID: 186 848 65#
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Addendum Q&A: 11/14/2023 The addenda Q&A can be found in the Public Notices section of
Pre-Bid Conference Attendees List: N/A
City Buyer: Sal Munoz 206-684-8605
Evaluation and Award Decisions
Status Update: Canceled
Status & Award List: N/A
Executed Contract: Will be re-bid at a later date