Click here to access Invitation to Bid #CTY-5515
ITB Due Date & Time: 12/23/2021 2:00PM
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Meeting number (access code): 2493 820 3840 |
Meeting password: 8PUcZJu4gB8 |
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+1-206-207-1700,,24938203840## United States Toll (Seattle)
+1-408-418-9388,,24938203840## United States Toll
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+1-206-207-1700 United States Toll (Seattle)
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Addendum Q&A: N/A
Pre-Bid Conference (Optional) Via WebEx Only: 12/14/2021 2:00PM
When it’s time, join your Webex meeting here.
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Meeting number (access code): 2493 648 0130 |
Meeting password: xxNAHKNT344 |
Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-206-207-1700,,24936480130## United States Toll (Seattle)
+1-408-418-9388,,24936480130## United States Toll
Join by phone
+1-206-207-1700 United States Toll (Seattle)
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Pre-Bid Conference Attendees List: N/A
City Buyer: Rick Davison Office: 206-684-8310, Cell: 206-643-4559
Evaluation and Award Decisions
Status Update: Awarded
Status & Award List: N/A
Executed Contract: #5515 – Daily Journal of Commerce