Click here to access Request for Proposal
RFP Due Date & Time: April 14, 2022 5pm PST
Optional Pre-Proposal Conference: March 22, 2022 10am PST
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Meeting number (access code): 2493 129 7352 |
Meeting password: 2JyXiXUmD33 |
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+1-206-207-1700 United States Toll (Seattle)
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Pre-Proposal Conference Attendees List: N/A
City Buyer: Marlon Franada, 206-733-9583
Evaluation and Award Decisions
Status Update: This RFP has been cancelled in its entirety to allow the City time to further evaluate solicitation requirements. The City is reviewing re-bid options and will notify prospective proposers accordingly.
Status & Award List: N/A
Executed Contract: N/A