This purchase order is being funded by U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Port Security Grant Program, Agreement Number: EMW-2016-PU-00223-S01 and is subject to the requirements set forth by the Grant such as Davis Bacon Wage Requirements and or State of Washington Prevailing Wage Requirements. All work shall be completed by July 31, 2019 or purchase order shall be cancelled at no cost to the City of Seattle.
Click here to access Invitation to Bid #SP0-121718
ITB Due Date & Time: 1/17/2019, 2:00PM
Mandatory Site Visit: 12/20/2018, 10:00AM
at 1717 N Northlake Place, Seattle, WA 98103
City Buyer: Sara Schutt, 206-684-684-0456
Evaluation and Award Decisions
Status Update: Never Awarded
Status & Award List: N/A
Executed Contract: N/A
Status Update: In Evaluation
Status & Award List: N/A
Executed Contract: N/A